Saturday, March 2, 2013

Bucket List Ideas and my Personal Bucket List

Hey guys! This blog post is dedicated to bucket lists. For those of you who don't know what a bucket list is, it's a list of things that a person wants to do in their lifetime, before they "kick the bucket", or in other words, before they die. This is a list of things that you've always wanted to do, but haven't.

I believe everyone should have their own bucket list of every little thing they want to do. There are so many things in the world that I would like to do, and this is not only a good way to keep track of them, but by having a bucket list, it is inspirational and great motivation to actually get some of these things done.

You might want to keep a list on your phone (or iPod touch in my case) so you will always have it with you and you can easily add things to it. However, I feel that it's very rewarding having a hard copy because when you cross things off of your bucket list, you can do it literally and get that great feeling of accomplishment.

Without further ado, I'm going to first have a list of general things that a lot of people like to put on their bucket lists, which will give you ideas and you will probably end up adding one or more of these to your bucket list. Then, I'm going to have my own personal ever-growing bucket list which I will update and cross things off of as I go along in my life. Here we go!

Bucket List Ideas:

-go sky-diving
-pack a suitcase and book a ticket to fly somewhere, TODAY (points for being spontaneous)
-spend a whole day watching movies and eating yummy food
-tell someone the story of your life
-stay up all night with someone just talking
-cut your hair
-call all of your friends and have an impromptu house party
-learn to ballroom dance
-splurge on something luxurious (spa treatment? super expensive foundation? pricey nail polish you want?)
-climb a tree
-ask someone you just met out on a date
-ask someone you don't know out for coffee
-ask someone you like out for a date
-make a fool of yourself
-make a video and post it on youtube
-sit on a bus with no destination and go somewhere
-start a club at school/ an orginization/ a charity
-write your will
-get a tatoo
-get a piercing
-sleep under the stars
-dye your hair and maybe go for an unnatural color
-spend your day reading an entire novel (pick a good one!)
-quit smoking or drinking or any other bad habbit
-go on a long bike ride around town or a very long walk
-spend three months (longer if you're overweight/obese) dedicated to getting completely in shape
-start a small business
-lose (insert number here) pounds in (insert number here) months
-call into a radio station and request a song (take advantage of your on-air time and maybe say something funny)
-drive a convertable with the top down, wind blowing through your hair, blaring music. (or another car with the windows open and music loud)
-get a makeover
-give someone who desperately needs it, a makeover
-slide down a grass hill on a cardboard box
-completely revamp your whole wardrobe
-clean out your closet and donate all the clothing you never wear
-take out a whole bunch of money from your bank account ($3,000), and spend it all on clothing and shoes
-get married
-try out a new hair style
-play in fountains until you get caught
-ask for a raise from your boss
-wear pajamas in public (those really cool asian one-piece animal pj's would be cool)
-swim in an ocean or lake
-jump into a cold body of water (pool, lake, river, etc.)
-wear a crazy hat
-run a marathon
-spend a couple hours talking to a stranger
-crash a wedding (pretend you were invited)
-play spin the bottle or seven minutes in heaven (if you missed out on this as a kid lol)
-audition for something
-go night swimming in a pool, ocean, etc.
-enter a contest
-make someone's wish come true
-learn something new
-go scuba diving
-sign up for a class for something (driving school, yoga class, java training, etc.)
-have an old-movie marathon (extreme version: find 15 movies that were popular from each decade and watch them in the order of the year they came out/are set in. this will take a few weeks, but it will not only be fun, but also help you understand the culture of the time period)
-rearrange the furniture in your house or room
-do weird things like these in an elevator for an hour, or any other weird things you can think of
-spend a whole day at an amusement park, festival, or fair
-jump into a pool with all of your clothing on
-delete your facebook or twitter and become more productive
-watch the sunrise with someone you love
-start a band
-go streaking
-become a fangirl for a band (memorize all their songs, band member names, band history, follow them online and blogs about them, buy a ton of band merch)
-get dressed up and wear sunglasses, and pretend to be famous (have a crew of people who look professional with big cameras and camcorders follow you around, and some friends pretending to be fans, asking for your autograph so everyone will think you're famous. Do this in a big city and see how many people you can trick!) (Here's a hilarious example)
-start a youtube channel where you make tutorials on a certain topic, do skits, talk about something, vlog about your life, or do random things
-spend a day in a library or barnes and noble just reading
-organize and/or be in a flash mob
-apply to colleges
-make a huge collage out of things like your old magazines, pictures, etc. put this on your wall
-write "love notes" to strangers and put them in places like books at a libraby, under tables in a coffee shop, under someone's windshield wipers, etc. have your email address on it so you can get replies
-finger paint a picture
-write a book (or ebook)
-start a blog
-buy that piece of expensive technology you've always wanted
-stay up for 24 hours straight, or if you're really daring, 48 hours. (it's funner with friends, and when you plan a lot of fun/creative things to do for the whole time)
-have a tea party, and like Alice in Wonderland, invite the strangest people you know!
-have a very fancy dinner party and use your best china and dishes, and have everyone dress up very fancy
-write letters to everyone you know and tell them what you think about them
-write a love letter to a significant other and put it in the mail. If you don't have a significant other, send one to a best friend!
-invent something
-go camping
-have your first kiss

My Personal Bucket List:
(the things that are crossed off are the things that I have accomplished so far)

-wear a snuggie to a sporting event or somewhere else in public
-paint my face for a sporting event
-buy lunch for, and eat with a hobo
-get in a cab and say "follow that car!" (maybe have my friend driving the car i tell them to follow)
-walk around town with a boombox on my shoulder, blaring music
-have my first kiss
-kiss someone in the rain
-watch a sunrise with a cute guy
-see a premier of a movie at 12am
-take dance lessons (ballroon?)
-learn how to twerk
-go to a concert
-go crowd surfing
-become ambidextrous
-become flexible enough to do a split
-look hot in a bikini
-get a tatoo
-get more ear piercings, maybe a lip piercing (spider bites), and belly button
-get two dermal piercings on my lower back (in college?) maybe
-go on a road trip with friends
-do something really spontaneous
-do a public prank
-go coning at McDonald's
-face one of my fears
-stay in a cabin on a non-school related trip
-spontaneously go to someone's house after 12am or vice versa
-sneak out late at night to meet a friend
-trade iPods with someone for a day or week to see eachother's music preferences
-go to an art museum with a friend and pretend to be blind (wear sunglasses), and have the friend take you around to the different exhibits and describe the art to you (a prank my dad came up with and did with his friend)
-drive to a mountain top and hang out there with a friend and talk and have fun
-hop the fence to someone's pool and take a swim
-stay up for 24 hours (eventually i want to try 48) with friends doing fun things
-have a sleepover with boys and girls
-play spin the bottle
-skip class to hang out with someone
-kiss someone under the bleachers like in the 3oh!3 song "My First Kiss" (cuz i like the song lol)
-have an upside down kiss (stupid, i know)
-have fun with someone in the rain and do a whole bunch of fun things and get completely soaked
-go ice skating with a guy I like and hold hands while skating
-cuddle at a cold football game with a guy
-read a book while cuddling
-go on a roller coaster that scares me
-become less shy, and more social
-start a business
-write a book or ebook
-learn calligraphy/ beautiful cursive
-create my own font
-travel to a different country and take a bunch of pictures, eat all the food, vlog and blog about it, and just consume the culture there
-make a short film, about half an hour long
-enter a film festival / contest for videos
-win a video contest
-go to a film festival
-go to coachella and wear a really cool outfit (don't forget to blog and vlog about it!)
-sell a piece of art that I created
-learn to cook something really delicious
-complete a 365 day photo challenge (take a picture of myself every single day for a whole 365 days straight)
-win a contest based on merit
-kiss under the mistletoe
-cook/bake with a cute guy
-be a little spoon
-use cans and string to communicate between houses
-do that Taylor Swift thing where you write on paper (or a whiteboard) to communicate with someone in the house across from yours, or some variation of that
-use walkie-talkies to communicate with friends, maybe on a mission!
-sneek out really late at night/ go out really late at night spontaneously to have a picnic with a friend
-go on a scavenger hunt (for my school)
-go to a wine-tasting event and pretend to be classy
-cook a meal with friends
-go skinny dipping
-go to a concert for a band that I like
-stay at a beach house/ cottage near the beach (maybe Ocean City) with friends and enjoy the beach life together
-go paintballing
-pass my driver's test and get a license
-fall in love
-have a snowball fight with friends
-be on television (Kaitlyn Today's first episode on WinTV)
-send a message in a bottle
-get a stranger's number after one encounter with them
-get a boy's number at the beach (don't have to call, just want the number)
-have a girls night out
-go to a poetry reading (at a coffee shop?)
-read at a poetry reading
-get married (maybe)
-do a free hugs sign with friends and give over 100 hugs (did this in 8th grade at the end-of-the-year outing, but i wanna do it again)
-have a very fancy tea party with fancy dishes, china, table cloths, food, clothing, music
-have a tea party, and like Alice in Wonderland, invite all of the weirdest people I know, and dress very strangely
-complete a full cleanse for a week long
-flash someone (lol)
-finger-paint something
-have a photo shoot with friends
-go camping with a friend/friend
-go on a nature walk/ hike/ trip outing and take a lot of pictures
-be in a fashion photo shoot in a beautiful environment like a forest (do this for my blog)
-spend a whole week off of the internet
-crash a party
-crash a wedding
-throw a party when my parents are out of town
-get a mohawk (a deathhawk would be cool)
-have a study party/ nerd party
-pretend to be a photographer for an event I wasn't even invited to, dressed all professional with a huge camera so it looks like I belong there, and another friend with me doing the same, and take lots of pictures of strangers and post them online
-with friends, go around asking people if they would like to take a short survey and ask them silly things like will you be my best friend, but with a straight face, and record and post on YouTube.
-get tons of glow in the dark stars (and/or glow in the dark paint), and make constellations on my ceiling
-buy water guns and have a water gun battle/ have a water ballon fight with friends
-go to Toys R Us, and buy one of the kids there a toy
-paint the rock near our school (during an xc pasta party)
-spend a full day outside
-sneak into a rated R movie (Did this with Toni, saw Hangover 2 after watching another movie)
-movie hop
-go to a drive-in movie theater
-do an anamorphic painting/drawing or piece of artwork that's like the painting with Henry the 3rd with the skull on the ground
-have dyed my hair every color of the rainbow (so far I have done red, yellow, blue, purple, pink)
-make a vlog of you doing a bunch of things on my bucket list, and when you're completely done, take short clips from each of them and put together a video showing short clips of everything you accomplished off of your bucket list
-get drunk (in a safe environment)
-go to college

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